Monday, June 1, 2015

“If you look deeply into worldly matters you will become melancholy and will end up reflecting upon the ephemeral nature of everything here below, and the fact that truth lies only in striving for the hereafter, since every ambition to which you might cling will end in tears; either the goal is snatched from you, or you have to give the attempt up before you reach it. One of these two endings is inevitable except the search for God the Almighty the Powerful. Then the result is always joy, both immediate and eternal. The immediate joy is because you stop worrying about things which usually worry people; this leads to an increase in the respect paid to you by friends and enemies alike. The eternal joy is the joy of paradise.”

Ibn Hazm Al Andalusi

Friday, May 15, 2015

November 2012. That's the date on my previous post.
I have not been writing on blog since then.

Maybe because the pain was just so real after a while. and I had to pick up so much with life and studies.

I lost him on the 10th February 2012.

And it wasn't easy since then.
All the memories together, the idiot things that I would do just to get his attention..
hmmm, I tried to move on. And I am still trying it every single day.

I still call his phone number everyday after that incident. I still text him every single day. I don't know why. Its just that, I fell into deep with this guy. He was my everything at the time.
How do I move on?
From constantly messaging someone everyday, to getting no response the day after. It's not just some break up. Its a loss that I'll be grieving everyday. It had felt like my heart was ripped into half and was taken away from me.

I used to still reload his prepaid number every month until I stopped February last year.
And last week...
Something hit me...

The phone number that used to be his, has been recycled and is currently used by some Malay dude.
*cries heavily*

I just don't know if I'll ever move on from him.
I mean, we were so close. so close to the next step.
Tapi hidup ini sarat dengan rahsia Allah swt.
I believe everything must've happen with a reason.

Then it hit me again. That I didn't lose him all at once. It was gradually.
It was from not receiving the sweet goodnight texts, then the scent on his shirts are fading, and then my friend suddenly snatch my necklace that was given from him to me (were not friends anymore btw), then his Facebook was finally taken down... and now, his number is used by another person.

I just miss him.
so much.
and it hurts badly. I would just cry so much about him, and then laugh remembering all the idiot moments...
but no one will still understand this pain.
no one besides Allah swt.

Al-fatihah to you.
You're always in my heart K.
Always, insyaAllah.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm not ugly!!!


I've been taught that i was ugly ever since i was a kid. It still affects me today. i've been a victim of verbal abuse by a lot of people over a very long time. Only through therapy and prayer was I able to heal from the scars of my past. I still deal with the pain as I type right now. because of my past, I often deal with bouts of depression. Only in rare moments do I have a glimpse of self-esteem. You can say i am still hurting from my sordid past.

However, because of my "supposed ugliness" I have learned about my inner self. I know I am not like the average person walking down the street. I am now learning to accept the existance of my inner self instead of its denial. Only through years of therapy and lonliness did I grasp the flipside of things. I am learning it in a less painful way to accept myself.

I am learning that it is important to be beautiful on the inside. i am learning that i am unique. i am learning about the silver lining. I am learning who i truly am after years of asking,"who am i?"

As for the beautiful people,  I feel sorry for them. They will live their lives in ignorance. They will rely on something that will ware down after 50 years or more. Not me. I will have a backup system. its called personality.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Will You Marry Me?

“Bolehkah seorang perempuan melamar lelaki?”

“Tidak jatuhkah maruah seorang perempuan jika mereka melamar lelaki?”

“Bukankah perbuatan ini menyalahi adat ibarat perigi mencari timba?”

“Bagaimana cara hendak melamar lelaki?”

Itulah antara persoalan-persoalan yang berlegar di dalam fikiran para gadis apabila timbul di dalam hati mereka perasaan minat yang sungguh-sungguh kepada seseorang lelaki sedangkan lelaki tersebut tidak mengetahui. Saya tidak pasti untuk menjawab persoalan-persoalan itu, tapi saya ingin menyentuh beberapa perkara dahulu.

Yang pertama ialah tentang hakikat bahawa kurangnya lelaki-lelaki soleh pada zaman mutakhir ini. Ini adalah suatu hakikat yang pahit namun terpaksa ditelan oleh semua orang. Bukan sahaja para wanita yang secara khususnya perlu berhadapan dengan hakikat ini. Malah juga terpaksa dihadapi oleh ibubapa yang tentunya sangat risau untuk menyerahkan anak-anak perempuan mereka kepada bakal suami masing-masing yang entah bagaimana latar belakangnya.

Yang kedua ialah tentang kepentingan memilih lelaki yang soleh dan berkualiti sebagai suami. Kerana suamilah tunggak keluarga yang menegakkan rumahtangga. Dan suamilah nakhoda yang berperanan mengemudi bahtera rumahtangga. Tanpa tunggak yang utuh dan nakhoda yang berhikmah, tentunya rumahtangga mudah goyah akibat angin ribut yang meniup dan gelombang ombak yang memukul. Justeru memilih lelaki yang soleh dan berkualiti sebagai bakal suami amat penting. Mesti disertai dengan menggunakan akal dan rasional yang tinggi.

Bukan hanya memilih berdasarkan perasaan cinta semata-mata.

Mungkin sekali tepat. Lamarlah lelaki itu…!

Berdasarkan dua perkara ini tentunya anda sekalian (well girls) dapat memilih tindakan yang sewajarnya apabila tiba-tiba mereka mendapati ada lelaki soleh dan berkualiti yang layak untuk dijadikan tunggak dan nakhoda buat rumahtangga yang bakal mereka dirikan kelak.

Apakah tindakan itu?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

6 Reason You Should Love Stretching Your Comfort Zone

For most of the time, we live in a very steady state. We do our things the same way, day after day, and life seems to be peaceful, comfortable and easygoing. However, occasionally we have to do something that we don’t feel too comfortable about. For example, you have to make a presentation for your friends at university – even if you hate doing presentations or public speaking. What about meeting a new person, with whom you can only communicate using English language (while you native language is something else)? No matter how bad your English skills are, you have to do it, because you don’t want to give a rude impression of yourself. Stretching your comfort zone is mandatory for your own development’s sake. Here are six reasons why you should love stretching your comfort zone – instead of hating it.

1. You grow – and so does your comfort zone When you stretch your comfort zone, you grow as a person. For instance, a year ago my task description changed and I wasn’t too happy about it. I was resisting the change for some time, until I realized that this wasn’t a bad place for growth. Now, after a year later, I have learned new skills, gained more confidence and I know that I’m ready for the next situation like this in the future. Something that you were once afraid of or felt impossible to do is now part of your skill set. Your comfort zone has grown in the process.

2. You feel more confident I mentioned about this already, but once you get past your limits, you will feel more confident and very good about yourself. If you had to give that presentation to your classmates (especially when you think that they speak better than you), I bet you were quite nervous before the presentation. Your heart was beating like crazy and you were sweating – yet you knew you had to do the presentation. Well, how did you feel after finishing that presentation? I bet you felt good about yourself! You were relieved of course, but at the same time you proved yourself that you can do such a thing if you want to. This good feeling is great capital for the similar events in the future. If you have to make that presentation again, just remember the great feeling you got after finishing your presentation earlier. Focus on the good feeling – instead of worrying how the presentation will go this time.

3. You learn something new > the whole process of stretching your comfort zone is very educational. After my task description has changed, I’m now able to do things in more confident manner than before – like speaking on the phone in a foreign language and meeting new people. I know that if I had turned it down, I probably wouldn’t be that good doing it. When you go outside your comfort zone, you will also learn something about yourself – how you act in certain situations. In my scenario, even if I had kept myself very positive person, I had the occasional moments at times, when I was less optimistic and I wanted to give up. Also, I did procrastinate on certain tasks. However, this was all part of the process – stretching my personal comfort zone. Since I learned how I act in a particular situation, it helps me to prepare for the similar situations in the future.

4. You are doing things that most people are not to be more successful in life or in business, you have to take bull by the horns and do something different than others. In my personal life, archery and karate was something that none of my friends had done. They had talked about it, but I was the first one to do it and felt really good about myself afterwards. When the issue is concerned, getting out of your comfort zone is one way of being different than your competitors – you are doing stuff that others are not willing to. For example, if you get a chance to speak in front of an audience and your competitor is not willing to do that (because he/she is afraid to do it), you will be better known for larger audience, and thus it may even spark new opportunities.

5. You move faster to your goals you can take the step-by-step approach of doing something or you can take the “stretch your comfort zone” route. Especially when you take the latter one, you will reach your goals faster. For example, if you own a blog and you want to make it known for bigger audiences (thus gaining more followers), you have to do things that you don’t like doing. This could be starting a YouTube channel and recording new videos on a regular basis. Or, it could be writing a guest posts for other blogs (what I always do), whose audiences have a bigger reach that yours. Whatever the situation is, if you are willing to step outside your current comfort zone, you will cross your finish line earlier.

6. You get new opportunities you are more likely going to get exposed to new opportunities, if you want to get outside your comfort area. For example, a year ago I made a change in my lifestyle. Not only did I feel good about this, but I also got some unexpected publicity – in the form of poetry publications. I know that this wouldn’t have been possible, if I hadn’t first stretched my comfort zone. If you are willing to go outside your zone, there is much bigger change for something good and unexpected to happen. New opportunities start to show up and you thank yourself for stretching your comfort zone.

Monday, August 8, 2011

It's easier to say that you don't love someone rather than, try to explain to everyone all the reasons why you still do.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Between Love and Friendship

What is friendship, and love? Is there a difference?
These are two of the questions that have always intrigued most people.
Unfortunately, precise and concise answers to such a question cannot be given. The least that can be said about these two is that both complement each other and that friendship is a subset of love!


So what exactly is friendship? How do we define it? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? These are questions to which answers can be sought but then they are case specific.

We call those people our friends whom:

■We care and are ready to help us during times of distress

■With whom we share most of our thoughts
■We can always count upon our during an emergency 

The primary aspect in love, which makes it stand apart from friendship, is that the two individuals share a certain intimacy, which is greater than friendship

■A primary element in love is the physical element. Friendship has its boundaries defined and no matter how close you are with your friend, it is devoid of physical intimacy. The individuals look at an emotional quotient, which also involves their sexual attachment with each other. This is a vital difference between friendship and love

■In love, individuals generally have only one partner as against friendship. You may have numerous people whom you could call friends/ good friends but there exists only one person with whom you are in love

■Friendship may last for a life time as does love and relationship but then the time spent by the individuals with each other is high in love / relationship as compared to friendship Life without love is like a year without spring. One could say that love is friendship plus physical closeness.

Friendship is not a state of mind, it's an act. It's something you do, it's not about whether you're good or not, it's not a reflection of you, it's a balanced relationship between people. It varies from person to person. But to define friendship loosely one could say that:

Friendship and love are not quite the same thing, although there's a lot of love around friendship. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends.


■A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt!


Maybe loves like dying,
like losing control..
what if we stop trying,
is it eventual...
if we lose control...
become vulnerable..
Very lonely!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me :')

4th of May is the date where i was born 18 years ago. Last year birthday was still fresh in my memories but yet, im going to celebrate the next one tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Aishah . . . Love you , may you be a better person in every aspect .I feel so grateful because Allah have taken care of my days and I'm still alive and healthy today . Its also amazing thinking about my birthday is coming in few hours . Its totally amaze me that I'm gonna turn 18 this year. Its seems there is something great will happen to me this year since 18 is the age of legality .As im reaching 18 this year (wow, i'm still young), there's a lot of pending wishes that Allah haven't yet answered but I'll just be patient . So , i'm forwarding last year wish to this year wish for birthday . HAHA I told my friends that I want Allah to send me the most amazing gift this year . And what will it be ? HAHA i want a boyfriend for this year birthday . Is it possible ? HAHA . just joking . i wouldnt wanted a boyfriend for birhday . its forcing . love will come by itself :) Only Allah knows whats gonna happen .I'm not looking forward for any present this year . Celebrating it with people i love will be enough for me . Its the most treasure-able memories and can't be replace with anything . but i do understand about me living far from my family :) well , MALAYSIA - AUSTRALIA isn't to far though but somehow you need a plane to come here , so its considered far :-p

So, Happy Birthday to myself . Wishing myself to have the best year of all . Wishing myself to always be humble , always obey to things that seems reasonable etc , living my life as there is no tomorrow , oblige to my religion and be happy . Wishing my self to love myself more , love people around me more , love my family more and of course Love Allah the most . Wishing my self a very Happy Birthday and 2011 will be a year of change (major change) for myself . I believe it , because Allah shows where my future heads .

Ibu and Abah - thanks for everything , Thank you for raising me up in this worldBig Sis - thanks for being a wonderful sister . . .
Friends - thanks for coloring my life (its amazing for me to be your friend)
and mostly , Thanks to Allah - Its all happening because of You . . .

lots of love , Aishah x

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My 100 Truth

1. Last beverage: teh ais..
2. Last phone call: abg jebat,2 days ago..
3. Last text message: jesvin..
4. Last song you listened to: simple love by elvira
5. Last time you cried: 2 days ago..
6. Dated someone twice: of course..
7. Been cheated on: fuckin sure..
8. Lost someone special: yup..
9. Been depressed: yes.
10. Been drunk and threw up:i'm muslim and for sure i don't drink!
12. purple
13. black
14. pink
15. Made a new friend: lots of friend actually..
16. Fallen out of love: yeah. triple times!
17. Laughed until you cried: yes i do..
18. Met someone who changed you: yeah, im blessful i met him..
19. Found out who your true friends were: always..
20. Found out someone was talking about you: YES!
21. Kissed anyone on your friend’s list: ermm?no..ahaha...
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: 90% yes,others i havent met at all.
23. How many kids do you want?: 2 is enough.ngee~
24. Do you have any pets: yes,a fat
25. Do you want to change your name: nope, aishah is the best in meaning. :-)
26. What did you do for your last birthday: celebrated it with my biological family..
27. What time did you wake up today: 6.00 am
28. What were you doing at midnight: facebooking,myspacing, blogging, ym chatting..
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: to be a sucessful engineer and having a toyota fortuner..
30. Last time you saw your Mother: just now..(always,since i stay the in the same house)
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: when i have 5 billion in my bank acc.
32. What are you listening to right now : Blow me a kiss-git fresh..ngee~
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: who? myspace creator? nope.ngee~
34. What’s getting on your nerves right now: my cat..she always wanna eat..ahaha...
35. Most visited webpage: myspace, my bloggie, my facebook, my friendster..
36. Whats your real name: Siti Aishah maulad Md. Yasin
37. Nicknames: Lots..sit,aisha,isha,shah,shasha,asha,aishah maulad,charmoul..ermm..
38. Relationship Status: in a relationship. taken and not single.
39. Zodiac sign: taurus
40. Male or female?: female..daa..didnt u see my name above? huhh. -_-”
41. Primary school: SK Mutiara(2000,2001),SRS Seri Insan(2002) and SK Taman Johor Jaya 5(2003-2005)..
42. Secondary school: SMK Agama Johor Bahru(2006-2008) and SM Teknik Johor Bahru (2009-2010)
43. High school/college/university?:Not yet..but wishing to enter Victoria University,Aussie or UTM..
44. Hair color: Natural black..
45. Long or short: Long..
46. Height: 167cm.. tall rite?haha.
47. Do you have a crush on someone? : yes laa.i'd lie if i say no..daa~
48: What do you like about yourself?: my eye,my smile..and my ear since my grandpa say its the same as my biological dad ears...
49. Piercings: the ear..
51. Hands Righty or lefty: I'm more to right..
52. First surgery: none
53. First piercing: 6 yrs old..
54. First best friend: Elfiena Evi Liwanda Liew
55. First sport you joined: Swimming..
56. First vacation: dunno, go ask my mom, she took me to whatever place, i'm not sure..
58. First pair of trainers: adidas..
59. Eating: no, not really hungry anyway..
60. Drinking: skyjuice.. haha.
61. I’m about to: take a bath.
62. Listening to: i did say just now rite? hearing to blow me a kiss by git fresh.haha.
64. What kids?: one girl and one boy..
65. Get Married?: sure..
66. Career?: sucessful engineer...
67. Lips or eyes: EYES!
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs
69. Shorter or taller: tall
70. Older or Younger: younger
71. Romantic or spontaneous: Both.
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both.
73. Sensitive or loud: loud.
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship.
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker is better.
76. Kissed a stranger: yes!(when i went for a holiday at usa) and actually lots of stranger do kiss me...
77. Cheat: YES!i had a bf at malaysia and dated someone on a cruise at usa..
78. Lost glasses/contacts: yes.someone stole it at kampung.haha.people r so desperate rite now..
79. Sex on first date: NO!i say no sex before marriage!haha
80. Broken someone’s heart: Yes,sorry..
82. Been arrested: No.
83. Turned someone down: Yes. just a few. hee..
84. Cried when someone died: Yes.
85. Fallen for a friend?: Hell yeah!
86. Yourself: yes.
87. Miracles:yes..
88. Love at first sight: yes..
89. Heaven: Sure
90. Santa Claus: No.
91. Kiss on the first date: ahaha..i dont think daa~i've met a hot cute american boy on a cruise,and yea..we talked(he started it!he said:hi,u got a beautiful eyes there;me:blushes*)..and before i excuse myself,suddently he kiss the cheek..not on the mouth..
92. Angels: Yes.
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: OMG :O !! yes i do..
95. Did you sing today?: aha, yeah.
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: y e s
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: far away.ahaha.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: the moment where i left sabah
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: sometimes..
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yes. coz its my thruth answer...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ini Adalah Kisah Benar ...

Petikan ini saya terima dari seorang sahabat yang dikenali di hospital tahun lepas ...
Ibu beliau telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada 23 Ogos 2009 (2 Ramadhan).
Renungkanlah agar kita mengambil iktibar dari apa yang diceritakannya.

Aku mempunyai ibu yang hebat. Beliau menyayangiku dengan sepenuh
hatinya. Beliau berkorban dan membantuku dalam segala hal. Ibuku
membesarkan aku seperti menatang minyak yang penuh. Ibu menguruskan pengajianku
dan berkorban apa saja
demi memenuhi keperluaanku dan permintaanku. Hari ini, wanita yang
hebat itu telah kami semadikan untuk
selama-lamanya. Dapatkah anda
bayangkan perasaanku suatu hari aku pergi ke bilik ibuku dan aku telah terjumpa
serangkap sajak yang terlipat sepi di dalam laci mejanya.

Sajaknya berbunyi begini.





Sekarang ibu sudah pergi dan aku menderita dengan rasa bersalah sebab
aku tidak pernah nyatakan betapa besar nilai ibuku selama ini. Malah
aku tak pernah melayan ibuku dengan wajarnya. Perasaan bersalah sering
menghantui hidupku. Aku layani semua orang untuk semua urusan, tetapi
aku tak pernah meluangkan masa yang cukup untuk ibuku sendiri. Sebenarnya
aku mampu menuangkan air ke dalam cawannya, kemudian memeluknya ketika
bersarapan, tetapi aku lebih mengutamakan urusanku, rakan-rakanku dan pekerjaanku.

Sekarang baru aku terpikir............ pernahkah rakan-rakanku
melayaniku seperti ibuku ? Aku tahujawapanya. Apabila aku menelefon ibu, aku
sentiasa lakukan tergesa-gesa, cepat dan ringkas. Aku benar-benar
berasa kesal dan malu apabila mengingati tindakan masa lampauku terhadap
ibu. Aku masih ingat berapa banyak masa dan pengorbanan ibu yang diberikan
untuk aku dan masa yang aku berikan padanya serta
banyak manakah masa aku biarkan ibu kesepian dan hari tuanya berlalu
begitu sahaja. Aku sedar dan mengerti.

Sekarang bahawa aku terlalu kritikal, aku diburu rasa kesal dan
bersalah. Dunia ini dipenuhi oleh anak-anak
seperti ku. Aku berharap kepada
kamu sha-sha........biarpun kau cuma anak angkat, insaflah dan ambillah iktibar dan manfaat
daripada suratku ini. Aku sudah terlambat dan kini sedang dilanda derita dan

Renungkanlah dan fikir-fikirkanlah!!!!!..... pernah kita bertindak
sedemikian????? pernah kita merasa kesal dengan tindakan kita itu????????
andainya kita pernah melayan sedemikian rupa terhadap ibu kita, ubahlah sebelum terlambat...

Bukankah pepatah mengatakan "syurga itu dibawah telapak kaki ibu" ...
mulia sungguh islam meletakkan wanita yang bergelar ibu ...


Sabda Rasulullah saw:
Tiada seorang muda yang menghormati seorang tua, melainkan Allah Ta'ala akan mentakdirkan seorang lain menghormatinya, apabila dia menjadi tua

Monday, November 16, 2009

Carilah Sahabat yang Baik

Image from tumblr.

Ini luahan dari hati saya,

Bagi saya "Teman yang baik adalah umpama hujan yang menyejukkan, mentari yang menghangatkan dan cahaya yang menutupi kegelapan."

Dari pandangan mata, kita berpaut penglihatan. Dari pandangan hati, kita saling kasih mengasihi. Bukan hanya cinta dan bukan sekadar sayang, kita semua bersama atas dasar keikhlasan dan kejujuran yang hadir dalam diri kita.

Mungkinkah setiap insan yang bersama kita itu ikhlas dan jujur pada persahabatan? Bukan mudah untuk mencari teman yang baik. Kadang-kala ia sudah berada dihadapan mata tatkala persepsi kita sahaja membiarkan ianya berlalu sahaja tanpa disedari. Kadang-kala jua, teman yang baik berasal daripada seorang insan yang pernah mengkhianati kita, tetapi cahaya hidayah dan keinsafan membuatkan dirinya kembali ke landasan yang betul kerana dia tersedar daripada khayalan diri yang diselubungi syaitan dan nafsu.

Keikhlasan dan kejujuran tidak boleh diukur. Kerana ia tersimpan didalam hati. Yang sukar dijangka dan diketahui oleh oranglain. Apatah lagi kepercayaan tulus, yang juga bukan mudah untuk dilihat melalui pandangan mata. Semua hanya mampu dinilai oleh pandangan hati yang telus. Niatkan diri kita sebelum berteman kerana ia adalah permulaan kepada ukhwah yang sejati. Berdoalah kepada Allah agar dipertemukan sebuah persahabatan yang akan memanfaatkan diri. Yang akan meninggalkan memori silam yang bakal menghasilkan kebahagiaan yang kekal.

Jangan terlalu memilih, kerana mungkin disebalik pasir itu ada mutiara. Jangan pula terlalu membuka hati kita, menerima semua untuk menemani kita. Masakan disebalik madu itu ada racun. Hati yang telus, bila termakan racun tatkala menaruh madu, kelak hati itu akan tertutup untuk menerima oranglain. Itulah kekecewaan. Yang melukakan dan sukar dirawat. Hargailah setiap insan yang menerima diri kita walau apa jua keadaan.

Belajarlah untuk menerima teman yang memperbaiki kita dan belajarlah juga bagaimana untuk menutupi kelemahan teman kita. Jadikan persahabatan itu medan perjuangan diri menuju ke jalan Allah. Berkata-kata baik dan berbudi bahasa sesama teman. Kelak nanti ia akan menguntungkan kita. Jika ada kesalahan, maafkanlah. Jika ada kelemahan, perbaikilah. Dan jika ada kebaikan padanya, contohi ia. Marilah bersama-sama meniti jambatan kejayaan.

Terimalah kehadirannya dengan hati yang terbuka. Pandangan mata dan impresi awal sering menilai orang lain sebelum menerima mereka. Oleh itu, berwaspadalah dan berdoalah kepada-Nya agar ikatan yang terbina itu akan kekal. Hanya Allah yang tahu pengakhirannya dan hanya Dialah yang tahu siapa yang layak bersama kita. Biarlah kita berteman ramai kerana dalam ramai-ramai itu mungkin ada yang baik untuk kita...